Presenting your venture with the purpose of raising money or seeking alliances is an exhausting yet vital activity, which every founder is painfully requested to perform.
The success of your business idea may highly depend on how effective this activity is.
These observations stem from having reviewed 500+ pitches made in the USA and 100+ made in Italy, as an angel investor and a mentor.
Download the free white paper now! Fill the form below to get your copy.
What you will find in this white paper
– Identify the problem you wish to solve, and do a proper assessment.
– Analyze market and growth potential
– Numbers, numbers, and more numbers.

“Your business idea and the team that you created and that supports it now is what really matters. But don’t waste the opportunity to destroy everything you created with cultural faux – pas, which would derail even a juggernaut. Learn few tricks and go with the flow: you will succeed.”
Arrigo Bodda, Co-founder, 42N Advisors